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31 January 2023, 08:00
. . . what do you think? I want my neighborhood to hear me start my car, but I don't want a droning noise when I drive . . . tell me your thoughts please. I don't have time to go to a car show or watch videos to make my decision. Just simply seeking yo
31 January 2023, 08:00
It Happens Rarely But Still Happens
31 January 2023, 08:00
New profile here. But we are literally desperate and clueless about what to do with this issue.
Long story short:
Shelby GT500 2007, 5,4 in Norway
ECM broke short time after my friend bought the car (7R3A-12A650-AFF)
He got a recommendation from
31 January 2023, 08:00
Help please!! I have 2005 gt that I took on as a project. After I replaced the timing chain, guides, and phasers I put all new felpro valve cover gaskets. After a few weeks both started leaking oil from the rear corners closest to the firewall right over
31 January 2023, 08:00
I'm having a conversation with someone about the feasibility of pulling 3V heads off a 2005 4.6L, and putting on 2V heads. Why? Because the 3V heads have been disappointing compared to the 2V in terms of reliability — chewed through timing chain guides,
31 January 2023, 08:00
So as of now I have the complete opposite of what I want, Corsa Extremes, offroad x pipe, catless. It's obnoxiously loud and somewhat raspy. I'm wanting to go with a more classic v8/deep/throaty sound. I already have H pipe ordered, what axel back should
31 January 2023, 08:00
I'm trying to find the front Y pipe coming off the manifold for my 302 CID 1977 Mustang II Ghia automatic coupe without any luck. Help? I doubt if boneyard parts would be much better than what I have.
30 January 2023, 08:00
Hello so i purchased a 2004v6 manual transmission mustang as a project car and have been working on it for several months, Ive replaced the power steering pump, rotors, brakes, callilpers, wires, plugs, coolant flush, upgraded the stereo and done a bit of
30 January 2023, 08:00
I have a 2005 Mustang GT 4.6 that is stock, and I was getting a few codes related to O2 sensors. So I put new O2 sensors, upstream and downstream. Most of the DTC's went away, but I still get PO135 and PO155. These are sensor heater related codes, a
30 January 2023, 08:00
Hello, and thanks for allowing me to join this site, My name is Sirenia , I live in NC and i have a 2004 Anniversary Edition Mustang that i purchased as a project car and believe me it has been a project but i do enjoy learning about it and replacing what