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When Vehicular Freedom of Choice Goes Horribly Awry…
21 October 2017, 08:00


If you thought the auto industry’s increasing obsession with selling high-riding jelly beans was an inconsolable tragedy, this “custom” Mustang will be your certain undoing.

The saddest looking S550 Mustang in existence showed up on the glorious subreddit Shitty_Car_Mods, and it’s really sad, like the saddest. In fact, let’s call it what it really is, cruelty to cars.

Although, on the other hand, it probably belongs to some little old lady named Ginny who adores her little pony because her grandbabies are just so smitten with it.

Anyways, what shop accepted money for this job should be shamed, in public, perpetually.

The post When Vehicular Freedom of Choice Goes Horribly Awry… appeared first on AllFordMustangs.

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